The UroLift® System

The UroLift® System is a straightforward minimally invasive treatment:

  • Rapid symptom relief
    and recovery1,2

  • Lowest catheter rate of the
    leading BPH procedures1,3-7

  • No new onset, sustained
    erectile or ejaculatory

  • Proven durability through
    five years3

A breakdown* of the various treatment options that patients usually opt for:

  • Medical Therapy

  • Watchful Waiting

  • Surgery

More than half of all men surveyed** who are currently prescribed medications experience unpleasant side effects. Dizziness, fatigue, and weakness/lack of energy are most common side effects. Each year, about 26% of BPH drug patients discontinue taking medication and are managed with watchful waiting*.

The UroLift® System is a proven option for patients seeking an alternative to
BPH medications or major surgery.

Find out how UroLift® compares to other treatments

5-Year Data

Rapid, durable, and reproducible outcomes from treatment with the UroLift® System:

IPSS Improvement

Improvement in LUTS, as seen through average reduction in IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score), has been consistent across the various studies, showing rapid relief within two weeks and sustained effect through five years.1 IPSS improvement at one year is better than seen with medications.2,8

Quality-of-Life Improvement

Quality of life also improved significantly, with the IPSS QOL and BPH Impact Index maintaining 50% and 52% improvements, respectively
at five years, p <0.0001.3

Flow Rate Improvement

In addition to improving LUTS, the UroLift® System treatment has demonstrated significant average improvement in peak urinary flow rate (Qmax) of 3.5 mL/sec (44%) that was sustained to five years, p <0.0001.3

Low Retreatment Rate

The rate of surgical intervention for failure to cure with the UroLift® System remains low for a BPH procedure, with approximately 13.6% over five years or about 2-3% per year.3 Over the first postoperative year, no additional surgical intervention was required for bladder neck contracture, bleeding, or stress incontinence in the pivotal study on UroLift® System.2


Clinical results from over 22 select sponsored publications and over 140 peer-reviewed publications demonstrate that treatment with the UroLift® System offers rapid and significant improvements in symptoms, urinary flow and quality of life sustained through five years.3

View BPH Publications

*Management estimates based on OUS market model for APAC.
**Content based on survey of 1,000 US men and 1,000 US women conducted by Teleflex l NeoTract 2020. Sample size may vary depending on qualifying questions.



Shore, Can J Urol 2014


Roehrborn, J Urology 2013


Roehrborn et al. Can J Urol 2017


Bachmann, Eur Urol 2014 May


McVary, J Urol 2016


Mollengarden, Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis 2018


Gilling, J Urol 2017


AUA Guidelines 2003, 2020

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